Tips for Designing a Good Portable Vaporizer
Vaporizers have been the driving force behind the success of head shops and smoke shops in US. They are considered to be healthier than smoking normal cigarettes and a good vaporizer could last for years. Portable vaporizers are also growing in popularity as they are easy to carry around allowing you to vape anywhere. Unlike before, there are more portable vaporizers in the form of pens that are relatively inexpensive and aren’t bulky like traditional vaporizers. They also don’t need a power source at all times. So if you’re a portable vaporizer manufacturer, here are some factors to consider while building your own vaporizer:
- Temperature control
A good vaporizer must be able to reach maximum temperatures quickly and vaporize your herbs or concentrates effectively without burning or oxidizing them. After all, that’s the whole point of a vaporizer. Good vaporizers can reach temperatures of 230 degrees Celsius without causing any harm to the herb or to the user. Some vaporizers start as low as 40 degrees Celsius to a 100 degrees Celsius. Combustion has been a topic of discussion in the vaping community as there are some portable vaporizers that combust after heating to a certain temperature but most modern vaporizers are built to avoid it.
The heat-up time of portable vaporizers also matters as most smoke shops buyers use them like cigarettes to get a quick puff or two during a break. These users can’t wait for a long time for the vaporizer to heat up. A good vaporizer takes about 30 seconds to 2 minutes to heat up. Anything above that is looked down upon by users. Even a desktop vaporizer takes a maximum time of 5 minutes to heat up. Distributing heat evenly amongst the herbs is another quality that consumers look for in a good vaporizer as it affects the taste and smell of the vapors produced.
Most smoke shops buyers use vaporizers to avoid the harmful carcinogenic chemicals present while smoking cannabis or tobacco. So it is important that the vaporizer doesn’t produce toxins by burning the herbs.
- Vapor production
Clean vapor production is an essential part of any good vaporizer. There shouldn’t be any additional smells or tastes in the vapor that is produced. Cheap vaporizers are often built using materials that are harmful like plastic heating chambers which can burn along with the herbs and produce a bad smell and even worse, toxic vapors. Vaporizers with ceramic and aluminum parts are likely to produce the cleanest vapors so make sure to use these while manufacturing your own products.
Some vaporizers also allow users to add water during the vaporization process which provides cooler and fresher vapors. Although the feature is mostly available only for desktop vaporizers, some portable vaporizers have this feature available through attachments. The more features you provide your customers with, the more likely they are to purchase your product over a competitors.
- Simplicity of use
The most popular vaporizers are often the ones with the simplest of designs. Users don’t like complicated devices as they just want to get the best high or therapeutic benefits as quickly and easily as possible.
Most of the popular vaporizers are easy to use. Rght after you unbox them, all you have to do is take care of the initial recharge and then fill it up with dry materials. Next turn the device on, select a preset for the heat level depending on your herbs and start vaping.
Other good vaporizers also make sure to provide the least number of buttons for quick use and easy maintenance. If smoke shops buyers need a manual to understand and use your device, they’ll most likely not be pleased about it, so keep your product simple and easy to use.
- Durability
There are cheap vaporizer products that are flimsy especially among users who use it daily. Vaporizers don’t come cheap, they begin at around $100 and could go as high as $400. As you can guess, the cheaper ones aren’t the most durable. Today, most vaporizers are manufactured with good quality materials so that they last for a longer time.
When designing your own product, remember to start with a reasonable budget and allow a little room for extra expenses in case you can’t get good quality materials for your original budget. Aluminum parts are the most trustworthy as they handle heat well and do not contaminate the herbs or burn them. It is important that customers know that your products are trustworthy, one bad review can deter a lot of others from buying your product as well.
- Size
The size of your vaporizer directly impacts the portability. If it’s big then there’s no point in making a portable vaporizer anyway. Many big companies are making vaporizers that are meant to be portable but are considerably bigger than most pen vaporizers. It is done in an effort to increase the features of the vaporizer. There are few vaporizers in the market that are considerably large and heavy, but they offer three heat level features, so that beginners can gradually progress through them until they can handle the highest heat level.
While deciding the size of your device you may want to consider some questions like – will the vaporizer fit in a pocket? Is it easy to carry and conceal? Is it heavy? Many companies choose to just make an efficient and small vape pen instead of a larger one as making a big vaporizer defeats the main purpose of a portable one, that is to be carried around easily anywhere and anytime.
Once you’re done with designing the vaporizer, you need to find a good smoke shop to make it reach your end-users. You can head over to Smokeshops Guide to find a list of smoke Shops in US. Visit their website or call them at 1-888-439-6468 to find smoke shops to sell your products in multiple areas around the US.